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34 Michael Road, Chancliff, Krugersdorp, 1739

Leeder Industrial

lED Lighting

Because of its inherent characteristics LED lighting has become the leading choice in lighting of a commercial and industrial nature.

Energy Efficiency – LED bulbs are the most energy efficient source of electric lighting that has been developed to date with energy savings of up to 90% which when used in conjunction with solar power are the most efficient of all lighting alternatives.
Mines and industries that operate 24hours a day will require consistent quality lighting that is economical, LED supplies the correct wattage for the activity at a fraction of the cost of conventional lighting.

Longevity – LED bulbs last more than a hundred times longer than traditional light bulbs, requiring little to no replacement thereby perpetuating further savings.

Durability – LED s do not contain the fragile filaments that conventional light bulbs do. They are a tiny chip which is solidly encased in an epoxy resin, making them durable and resistant to shock and vibration. Unlike glass or plastic, extreme differences in temperature will not impact the LED unit.

Safety – Because of the durability and the materials of which the LED is manufactured, virtually no heat is manufactured,risk of breakage or fire are greatly minimised.
There are virtually no UV emissions from LED, which goes towards the protection of goods from discoloring or acquiring damage from radiated heat.

Environmental impact – Unlike fluorescent bulbs, LED s do not contain any hazardous gases and are considered to be ecologically friendly.

Versatility – LED lighting can be used in greatly differing temperatures without being affected negatively. LED lights can be specifically designed for a purpose.

Uses for LED lighting:

  • Factories
  • Warehouses
  • Office buildings
  • Mining
  • Shopping centres
  • Hospitals

Further benefits of LED lighting

  • Increased levels of intensity and brightness
  • Lower voltage required
  • Lowered heat emission
  • No harmful rays such as UV emitted
  • Increased lifespan
  • Resistant to shock and vibration
  • Programmable and more easily controlled than conventional lighting